I’m At A Loss

FurryGoat: [Apple Boot Camp] More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can download a public beta today.

Honest. Nothing much to say about it. I mean, I’m pretty shocked that Apple did this. I’m somewhat amused by the shots they take at Windows on the page. Surprised that there’s no iSight driver.

And since I’m in the market for a new notebook, I’m furious that Apple refuses to put a right mouse button on their notebooks… wonder if Alt-Click is supported or something. Pft.

27 thoughts on “I’m At A Loss”

  1. Sorry, but if Apple Macs are so wonderful and everyone is flocking to buy one, why would you want to put Windows/XP on it and why is this such a selling point? Surely, all this says is that OS X is so poor that Windows/XP is considered an “upgrade”.

    Apple have obviously recognised that OS X is junk if they’re so determined to shoe-horn Windows on to a Mac.

    If people want to buy a Mac, then they should do so, but trying to make it in to a PC seems massively weird to me.

  2. Apple is more than likely offering to put XP on their hardware to avoid any anti-trust issues now that they are starting to come back a bit in to the market. But by no strech of the imagination would Apple ever consider OSX junk compared to Windows XP. Only a slack jawed ignorant retard would come up with that notion. I could see Apple possibly seeing Vista as better (fat chance). But I think they’re just covering their own asses. Windows XP is 5 years old, and Microsoft just announced that businesses should have a way to reformat thier harddrives easiley because of spyware attacks. In other words spyware developers have won this round and MS has thrown in the towel. They stated that even their own “Windows Defender” cannot detect newer spyware, and that you should just reformat your drive in case of infection. That was just the other day. Microsoft knows XP is inferior to OSX, otherwise Vista wouldn’t look (and work) just like it. This is just a pr stunt for Apple, just to make themselves look better.

    But let’s see if they ever offically make OSX run on PC hardware.

  3. Tut tut, you’re exaggerating: XP is 5 years old. XP SP2 is 2 years old. XP -> XP SP2 is every bit the upgrade that 10.3 to 10.4 was – we just didn’t charge for it or brand it that way.

    Further, MS didn’t state that Windows Defender cannot detect newer spyware – they said ALL spyware applications will have trouble with the latest generation of spyware – particularly rootkits – and in that case, yes, reformatting is the last resort.

    That aside… Apple releasing Boot Camp, it might be an anti-trust protection thing: I hadn’t thought of that, honestly, but it makes sense – I can’t bitch about them controlling hardware and software if they’re allowing XP to run. Personally I believe it’s a move to get an even bigger carrot on the stick for Switchers that haven’t Switched yet. Some corporate networks and VPNs simply don’t work with Mac and they NEED XP at times – for Apple to make that available, it’s one less IT concern: doesn’t prove who’s better or not.

    So given the options, this is the smarter move. I mean that can get OSX on PC’s, sure – the problem there is that Apple would then have to support it. Millions of pieces of OEM hardware = costly and painful. I don’t think they’ll ever do that. However, if they can say to a Switcher “Hey, bring XP with you” then they only need to make a few dozen drivers for the limited hardware in the iMac and MacBook for XP. Much better solution if you need both OS’s on the same machine.

    Which also plays into their push for bringing virtual support for XP into 10.5.

  4. Yup, that is Microsoft’s giant double bladed sword. Microsoft’s shit runs on whatever piece of hardware you can find. It wouldn’t surprise me if you could duct tape a keyboard to a microwave and get it to run XP. But that also is a disadvantage. Every cheap computer illiterate mother fucker wants to put XP, and probably later Vista as well, on the old piece of shit they bought for 20 dollars at a garage sale. Problem is, that old cobweb infested hunk of garbage, was designed to run Windows 95. Problem, yes, but the customer says it’s not there problem, it should run Windows Vista Aero anyway. Sooooo, MS ends up having to bloat the hell out of the OS in order to support Bubba’s bargin beige box. And thats why Mac OS runs faster and cleaner. They only have to support thier own hardware. It’s a puzzle, and one that doesn’t seem to have a solution. Vista is even bigger than XP now. Tisk Tisk. And ya wonder why I use Linux. ;)

  5. Anna, I have been called much worse on this site when I posted a dumb comment. I doubt Mr. Barnett took it personally. It’s just the way of the internet, now run along, the big people are talking.

  6. Obed. You are far from “big people”. You use linux becuase just like all linux users, you’re a complainer.


  7. hey what obed said made sence! I mean isn’t it obvios that you’ve got to make the os bigger and more bloted to make it runn on “smaller” hardware? ps linux has a megalithic kernal so adding hardware support makes it bigger and windows nt/xp has a hibrsid kernal so only usb drivers are built into the kernal when there is a new driver added to windows it doesnt slow everyone down and with linux it does unless one recopiles

  8. Speaking as a slack jawed ignorant moron (Morons rule Ok – have you seen who’s in government recently) I stick by the point that, if Windows/XP is so inferior, why put it on your highly superior kit. I can’t accept that it’s to avoid anti-trust actions, as Microsoft is a much better target for that sort of thing.

    Could it just be that Apple can’t win enough support for their kit – however good – without it becomming just another PC Clone.

    Fact is that the only viable alternative to Windows is Linux with Mac OS X running a distant third. I just see this move as a way of trying to attract PC users on to Mac hardware.

  9. Anna, Thanks for the defence. I find it hard to take offence by what Obed said as insults are generally thorwn out like this when the poster is a biggot for one thing or another. Obed is obviously a fan of Apple/Mac and OS X… fair enough – I’m sure he/she can get therapy.

    Personally, I’d rather be a slack jawed ignorant moron with a PC than a genius with a Mac.

    Sad to say, Bill Gates bought me many years ago – I won a weekend in New York when I registered my copy of Visual Basic 3 – first time I’d been out of the UK. I’ve been a fan (biggot) ever since.

    I feel so cheap now.

  10. Your funny Steve. Im obviously a Mac user? Right… Even when both Anna and myself stated that I use Linux. And your argument of

    “Personally, I’d rather be a slack jawed ignorant moron with a PC than a genius with a Mac.”

    Just doesn’t make sense.

    And I don’t use Linux because I’m a complainer. In fact I have complained a lot less since switching to Linux. I use linux because I like open source software, and I like not having to worry about my computers security.

  11. My comment about prefering PCs to Macs makes perfect sense. I make my money out of writing software and I just couldn’t make a living out of writing for Macs/OS X.

    I doubt many people will make a living writing Open Source for Linux either. Don’t get me wrong, I greatly admire people who produce Open Source software, but that just doesn’t pay the mortgage whereas writing Windows software does.

    Interesting side issue, I don’t remember calling you a complainer… you just seemed to take on that badge all of your own accord. Is that a ‘Linux’ thing??? I also didn’t say you were a Mac user, just a fan.

  12. No, you misunderstood, Anna called me a complainer, and how could I be a fan of what I don’t use? And I understand about Linux not being as lucrative, it’s completely true, but because Microsoft, or writing software for Micrsoft OS, does not pay my bills, I don’t have a biased opinion on what I use on my computer. And thus I just use what I have found to work the best for me.

  13. Have to say I’m a fan of source code control systems, defect tracking systems and change management systems. I don’t use any of them as the boss won’t pay for them… doesn’t stop me being a fan!

    I think I was put off Linux from early on in my career. I walked in one day and had a tape thrust at me and was instructed to install AIX on an RS/6000 (never even seen one before). It wasn’t a nice experience and it led me to understand how cryptic Unix based systems really are.

    Guess I could try Linux again – now I’ve got Virtual PC up on my old laptop, I have the chance to play.

  14. You might be pretty surprised, it’s come along way. I never thought I would be able get rid of my XP partion. But after months of never having to use windows, I just stick with SuSE now. It’s not for everyone, because you can’t just install whatever you want and it does take a bit more technical knowledge to use. But I have been able to find an open source program for anything I need to do on my computer. Hell, it never hurts to try(RANDY!)

  15. What are ya dragging me into it?

    Your argument continues to suck. “Use this because it’s open source” even though that doesn’t mean better or worse software. “Use that because it’s non-Microsoft” is completely ridiculous to me, even if I didn’t work there. We coulda had the same disagreement years ago.

    Every Linux fan feels obligated to point out how cool their bits are and then feel threatened by anyone that doesn’t agree with them. As I’ve said before, it’s like bible thumping. Ya can’t just let people believe that their OS choice is good for them: ya constantly have to try to convert them or “prove” that their choice is wrong.

    FWIW, I’ve never once told ya to use XP, have I? Tried to get ya to change the error of your misguided ways? I say “Use what ya want. XP and MCE is good for me.” I’ve gone over the few times I’ve dedicated a weekend or two to OSX and RedHat and other *nix versions. As usual, you choose to ignore it. Truth is, I spend most of my time in the comments having to defend MY choice while you go on and on trying to tell me what’s wrong with my OS.

    XP is right for me; Vista looks like it will be as well. OSX was a pain in the ass. Unix sucks for the end user. In otherwords:

    chmod 775 /bin/freedom

    Or as I like to think of it: csh leave_me_the_fuck_alone

  16. Hey chill Randy I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I know there’s no chance in hell you would ever try a linux distro. I was just kidding.

    And Tim come on you can download a fully functioning distro with user interface and software to do pretty much everything windows does right out the box and its only like 300MB. I don’t know what your talking about, but I haven’t had an issue yet.

  17. I agree with most of it except for Apple selling OSX to 100million Windows owners… for them to do that they’ll have to support a hell of a lot more hardware than they do now – that alone will make them choke on the prospect. Now if they can work around THAT, then they might. For $149 though since I think $99 is too cheap for Apple. $129 will be continued for Apple hardware :)

  18. I’m not sure where it’ll fit on the Randy-O-Meter, but the title just made me shoot Diet Coke out my nose. I swear that Dvorak lives with a 2-drink-per-day minimum… and I’ve been reading his stuffs for at least a decade :)

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