State of Things

Looking through the news, I’m simply embarrassed by what is making US headlines these days, considering what’s knocking around in the world these days. And yes, who’s the blame? The media? Not entirely. We let them get away with it. We – as US Citizens – are just as much to blame because we thrive on shitty, US-centric, beat-on-Bush news.

Need an example? You shouldn’t, but I have some to share, just the same…

    Some “Top News” from yesterday:

  • No Massachusetts marriages for out-of-state gays
  • Georgia lawmakers OK public school Bible classes
  • “Da Vinci Code” fuels US religious publishing boom
  • Bush eager to resolve lumber row with Canada
  • Agent Orange victims gather to seek justice
  • MLB announces probe into steroid use
  • [insert random Bush sucks or Clinton sucks headline here because the list won’t be complete without it – I don’t care which because whoever wrote the article won’t back it up with anything real, so it’s just fluff]

Are these all newsworthy? I guess they can be, but I say no. The gay marriage and religion thing? Total feckin’ bunk. Completely. Who gives a rats ass? Honestly.

How can I say that? Lets look at what else is going on in the world these days:

    Other “Top News” from yesterday:

  • World powers say Iran must curb nuclear ambitions [not just the US, other nations involved, yet Tehran refuses to conform — volatile and defiant nuclear power]
  • Focus on Chirac as France awaits job law decision [France is fucked again, as students and unions run amuck over a jobs bill — no matter who wins, mob rule runs France]
  • Hamas takes power [Hamas vowes to continue to fight the possibly-nuclear-powered Israel in spite of pressure from other nations — just as volatile as and a possibly ally to Iran]
  • Bush to earn Fox backing in immigration fight [Someone finally realized we’ve got 10 million people that aren’t supposed to be here legally, Mexico wants to help fix the problem — massive rabble rousing by people that don’t realize that El Constitución doesn’t mean “everyone welcome without process”]

Boy, I wonder what’s more pressing… oh, and edge on the immigration thing? Yeah, it’s partly our fault for not keeping our borders tight, but here’s the harsh truth: if you aren’t supposed to be here, get out. I’m sorry to say that you are an illegal alien. That limits your rights in this nation because you aren’t a part of this nation. The immigration reform that’s going on is simply an effort to enforce the laws that are already there.

Don’t like that? Form the proper protest: protest that you want reform. That you want a relaxed border or a higher quota of immigrants allowed each year. That’s the fight you need to take up. Not “don’t oppress this person that snuck into our country for a job [and doesn’t pay taxes]” – that person is a criminal for illegally entering this country. Should that immigrant be arrested? Hell no: simply returned to their nation of origin.

My stance on this is simple: follow the immigration law. Not “stay out” or “no more foreigners” – I’d support an increase of legitimate immigration if we can keep the borders secure. I wouldn’t support it today: we’ve got millions of people that aren’t supposed to be here. Sort that out first and we should be able to let in more people migrate into the nation. My beef is that people are getting pissed off that the government wants to enforce a law that should have never been relaxed in the first place.

Mind boggling… the media thing, especially, but the immigration protests that are going to be blasted to our TV for the next six months will be just as bad.

13 thoughts on “State of Things”

  1. On immigration. Why would people come accost the border if there were jobs in Mexico? Maybe we need to work on repairing their economy. Half of all illegal immigrants pay taxes. And could you pick cherries in eastern Washington?

    On religion. It is a big deal if tax dollars in some state are paying to teach religion.

  2. Here’s the point –> .

    You’re missing it, while over there ———–> x

    The point is that the media has us wasting our time over the stupidity of trivial things while there are obviously bigger fish to fry.

  3. Right, because bible classes are going to be SO important if someone from the Hamas controlled Palestine or defiant Iran walks over the unprotected Mexican or Canadian border with a dirty bomb. Right.

    You get more -‘s in your line for that :)

  4. God has a sense of humour. Besides, the world needs a designated asshole to rally against. Helps us to not turn on each other :)

  5. hey I said that in order of importance

    I think that it is almost as importaint as hamas and iran that the seperation of church and state is fading away

  6. And I’m telling you that while you’re entitled to your opinion, you’re wrong. Two involve war or terrorism of global and possibly nuclear levels. The other involves a philosophical argument in civics for a state that we don’t live in. *shrug*

  7. My question is what are the bigger fish? Honestly, yea most of our news is stupid, but what do you want to see on our headlines?

  8. I’d rather see the bigger news. It seems that a vast majority of Americans are content to yell at the wind and protest the price of a Snickers bar… I think it would be better to put that kind of attention on important issues.

    In theory. :)

  9. Yea, i see lots of people yelling at wind :P. But when has there really been good, informative, and intersting news? Cause any day of the week half of the news is about all those middle easterners bombing each other, and the other half is about how Angelina and Brad adopted 12 more kids(including one from Iraq, :P)

  10. Well that was the point in the first place: our news has been sucking lately, in spite of people changing their lives based on it :)

  11. I want to see more Paris Hilton on tv…maybe her and Lindsay Lohan should make a video, then kill eachother. That would be awesome.

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