Yesterday I saw exactly six different robins hopping around on the grass near NE 40th on campus yet they keep talking about “snow” or something… meh.
Yesterday I saw exactly six different robins hopping around on the grass near NE 40th on campus yet they keep talking about “snow” or something… meh.
Yeah, snow, but with high temperatures around 40. It doesn’t count if it doesn’t stick.
“Guess what it’s doing outside?…absolutely nothing.”
Yeah, the only 2 things more frustrating than that are 1)the snow falling everywhere else but where you are at that moment and 2)Jeff Renner’s mustache (ya know, the weatherman from channel 5 news? Apparently he’s the only real meteorologist reporting weather on tv in this area.)
If you want snow, you’ll find it eventually on I-90. Thats what I tell the locals.
I don’t wanna find anything remotely related to snow. I found enough of it for Christmas. I’d rather see robins :)