Oi Vey

MSNBC.com: “Defending the prophet should continue worldwide,” Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told the crowd. “Let (U.S. Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice, (President) Bush and all the tyrants shut up: We are a nation that can’t forgive, be silent or ease up when they insult our prophet and our sacred values.”

“Today, we are defending the dignity of our prophet with a word, a demonstration but let George Bush and the arrogant world know that if we have to … we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices,” Nasrallah added.

Er… we didn’t do this, so why are we getting blamed for it? Oh yeah, because we suggested that people not kill each other over a fuckin’ cartoon! Our bad.

On another note, can anyone point me to the Islamic dogma that clearly states: “if our prophet is depicted in a satire comic we should kill every non-Muslim we see in protest”?

24 thoughts on “Oi Vey”

  1. From the Koran ..

    Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme.

    Sura 2:193 and 8:39

    When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.


    At least this appears to be one intepretation of them.

  2. OK. That’s an interpretation, sure. There’s a lot of an eye of an eye that could be interpreted as a reason for the Crusades from the Bible. But that’s not the point, here. The point is that I want to see the section that says: “if our prophet is depicted in a satire comic we should kill every non-Muslim we see in protest.”

    I want to see cartoon, kill, and prophet. In print.

    Better still, I’d like to see a passage that says “if an independent newspaper prints an image of our prophet in a satire comic, we should kill every non-Muslim we see in protest and attack the government of the nation that enabled the printing, even if it’s not government controlled or sanctioned.”

    That would justify everything to me.

  3. ARRRG. WTF “Ross”? I was once a believer that the muslim religion was really one of peace in a general sense…now I hate them more. One intrepretation?? For god’s sake, how many are out there? What “flavor” can I get that directs me in the path of senseless killing?

    I had hope for these lunatics.

  4. I had hope for these lunatics

    But now you have none.

    They are quick to the temper and slow to the sooth.

    So why call them lunatics? That seems a bit crude.

    You seem try to anger them when you know they will freak.

    PS. Read the Koran with your heart and not for the meaning of the words.

    PPS. I’m agnostic so I am not really on anyone’s side

  5. Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme.

    Sura 2:193 and 8:39

    When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.


    Yes Tim, read those with your “heart”. I am not trying to anger anyone..and besides, for them who would do anything about my big mouth, it’s too late. PEOPLE THAT HIJACK PLANES FULL OF PEOPLE AND FLY THEM INTO HUGE BULDINGS AREN’T LUNATICS???? POEPLE WHO CONDONE STRAPPING BOMBS ONTO LITTLE KIDS AREN’T LUNATICS????

  6. *Cough* wait. Read the Koran with my heart and not for the meaning of words??? ISN’T THAT HOW THESE SADISTIC TRANSLATIONS CAME ABOUT???? ARRG, TIM!

  7. I was just saying what someone told me about the bible once:)

    Tim quote:

    Prayer is like a veil shed over ones mind

    Shielding them from logic and making them blind

  8. I said earlier, no.

    How many Americans would even entertain the thought that all of them were terrorists in 2000 versus 2005? Bet ya there’s more in 2005. If the peaceful Muslims are upset about us thinking that, they should help reign in the extremists. Same way we get pissed at other nations thinking that ALL Americans are fat, bloated rich gas guzzling fuckers…

    After all, some of us aren’t that rich.

    Anyway, I also put some blame on the world wide Media: it seems that the only Muslims that get press ARE the terrorists, so that one small faction becomes the spokespersons for the entire religion. Tis a shame really.

    Makes me wonder if there were similar debates when Christians were out sacking towns in the name of the Crusades.

  9. ya ya ya ok

    I was responding to Annas “I was once a believer that the muslim religion was really one of peace in a general sense…” she’s saying that THE MUSLIM RELIGION NOT THE TERRORISTS is/are no peacefull.

  10. Um…are you saying that I think terrorists are peaceful? Look Tim, “terrorists”, as we define them, or what we *picture* in our heads are Muslim extremeists. You could put words in my mouth and say that I think the people that pratice the Muslim religion are terrorists (which you did), but if you read what I say in a manner that *blink* makes some sense, then you would see that no, I did not mean that.

    If there are Korans dictating the violence that Ross described above that Muslims are reading and adhereing to, isn’t that cause for some alarm? Does that make them look peaceful? From what you see and hear, can you tell me that they are a religion of peace? No, they operate on the premise that the world is black and white.

  11. Sura in translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali


    190 Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress the limits; for Allah does not love transgressors.

    191 And slay them wherever you catch them, and turn out them out from were they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worst than slaughter; but do not fight them at the sacred mosque unless they fight you there; but if they fight you slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

    192 But if they cease Allah is Oft-forgiving, most merciful.

    193 And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression.

    Ross took those quotes out of context a dirty and dangerous thing. Were there is light there is shadow were he to quote the devil from the bible he would not have quoted god. There are several lines in the genesis that would lead you to god is good but if you read the whole thing god practices and promotes war slavery and tyranny. DO NOT TAKE THINKS OUT OF CONTEXT.

  12. I wasn’t responding to you silly! ?I was responding to Ross and Anna

    were in the bible does it say gay legal marriage ban?

    PS. In ie 7 this shows up as a suspicious site

  13. In the Bible? It declares a union in marriage to be a man and a woman. That’s in black and white. Does it say “same sex marriages shouldn’t be allowed”? No, but by defining a marriage as a man and a woman, it leaves no wiggle room, neh?

  14. Exactly my point!

    The bible never says that Christians should force non-Christians to comply with Christian marriage specifications just as clearly as the Koran never says that any time a non Muslim violates the rules about depicting Mohamed a pan Arabian war should be started.

  15. dude, that’s not even a point to make. If you’re Christian, yer bound by Christian rules. Who cares what the Christians think if they AREN’T Christian? Jews are against gay marriage, too, so what’s the corrolation there? The problem with the extreme Muslims is that their will is imposed because they KILL non-Muslims! WTF kinda point are you making?!

  16. I’ll tell you what kind of point he’s trying to make. He’s another one of these liberal socialists that thinks and believes that the defense of some religion that he secretly knows he should be OPPOSED to (because it’s so outdated and downright DANGEROUS) is what he needs to do…which of course has no logic or reason behind it. It’s just for the sake of arguing.

    Tim, look at what you quoted.

    “190 Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress the limits; for Allah does not love transgressors.

    191 And slay them wherever you catch them, and turn out them out from were they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worst than slaughter; but do not fight them at the sacred mosque unless they fight you there; but if they fight you slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.”

    How much more black and white are you going to get? There is no ground for understanding or compassion in regards for anyone else but themselves..something YOU happen to have. They DON’T HAVE THE SAME COMPASSION FOR YOU. Why sit there and defend something that endangers your life, your home, everything you stand for as an american??? Tim, the socailists that defend these people are the death to our imperfect-but-one-hell-of-alot-better society. You enjoy looking at a pretty girl? Let them take over. You’ll never see one again.

  17. The theory of socialism has nothing to do with foreign policy, in fact if you remember back in history one of our most famous socialists was Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton was pro war and pro taxes; he was almost communist in his thinking.

    I was trying to point out to you Randy that every religion has fundamentalists who act in idiotic manners causing harm to others and it may be true that a higher percentage of Muslims are fanatics than that of Christians but it’s not anything to do with Islam and everything to do with attachment to ones religion to the discrimination of reality.

    Anna Mohamed lived 400 years after Christ so calling Islam outdated is calling Christianity more so.

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