When a News Story Has No Story

KOMO News via FurryGoat: Last week a woman got kicked off an airplane for wearing a T-shirt. Not just any T-shirt mind you. This one had pictures of the president, the vice president and the secretary of state on it, along with a word that rhymes with “truckers.” Now she’s thinking of suing the airline for violating her civil rights.

Was probably a funny T-shirt, but I have to admit that this woman is an idiot if she thinks she has a reason to sue anyone, except for maybe herself.

It’s a non-story really. In fact, I wasn’t going to post about it, but the longer Steve left his IM window open, the more irked I got by the article…

Yes, the ACLU is probably drowning in its own saliva, as it plans to rape and pillage all of the airlines and take home gazillions. The woman too. That’s all she’s is thinking of: money. Her civil liberties weren’t harmed. Her ego maybe. Her pride, sure. She’s entitled to a refund on her ticket, I guess, even if she did this to herself.

But the real question here is where do ya draw the line between Freedom of Speech and vulgarity?

Obviously, I could give a fuck. Vulgarity means naught to me, but to other people, it means quite a lot. The government can’t regulate it, so it comes down to settings and individual situations, and since an airline is a public place – with kids and/or candy-assed people – it’s up to the airline to police itself. Those policies should be published somewhere.

In fact, if I’m not mistaken, but when the fucknut woman bought a ticket with the airline, didn’t she agree to their terms and conditions? I’m certain she did. I’d even go on to say that I would promise you that there’s a “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” in that lil legal document.

Consider this: we have the Right to Bare Arms in this fine nation of ours… mind you, 40% of this nation can’t find their way outta a brown paper bag and think this Right includes the choice to wear short sleeves year round, but work with me on this. Can I bring an unloaded shotgun on a plane? No. Why? Federal laws. State laws. Fine, ignore those for now, since we can’t ask the government to deal with an issue like this, so why else can’t we bring the shotgun with us? Airport rules. Airline rules. Rules, rules, rules that have nothing to do with the government yet can still be enforced at a lower level.

Think I could get away with walking around anywhere wearing a shirt that had a huge picture of a hairy vagina on it? Of course not. If I did, would have a have a leg to stand on legally? Hell no. Banned from public parks, malls, schools, and wherever else I went to: there are rules outlined everywhere you go. Same thing applies here: it’s got nothing to do with government regulations or with civil rights… Common sense is what’s at hand here…

Common sense is once again forgotten.

PS: Kudos to Ken Schram at KOMO for writing this as it was written: it’s refreshing to see a media source go with logic rather than playing up the “oppression” that people like the New York Times would.

PPS: To the ACLU… most airlines have enough issues with cash at the moment, so odds are that you won’t get anything. If anything, you’ll only cause an even higher hike in rates in the long run. And for this woman, she doesn’t deserve a dime over the refund of her ticket… maybe a free trip for being an idiot but I don’t even think she should get that. No damages should be awarded to her because she was wrong and she should take responsibility for her idiocy.

2 thoughts on “When a News Story Has No Story”

  1. Ya know. I figured I’d screw up at least one of the bear/bare’s in there :D

    But the point is still the same!

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