3 thoughts on “Sweep.”

  1. I find it amazing that we Red Sox fans and you Yankee fans take such delight in the misfortunes of the other. My guess is that the two teams, who finished with exact records, a 10-9 head-to-head differential, and throw away the two 17-1 Red Sox victories and nearly identical runs scored against each other all year, would have fared pretty much the same had they switched and the Sox played the Angels and the Yanks played the White Sox.

    It’s funny now that I think about it that I was delighted to see A-Rod ground into a double play last night, knowing that I would have cheered him had the first trade been accepted by the players’ union and he was playing short for the Sox. And I know that if the Yankees sign Damon this winter – as I think is likely to happen – that you’ll suddenly find millions of reasons to love the guy rather than hate him.

    Perhaps it’s time for we Sox and Yankee fans to actually cut the hatred of the other just a bit. Sure, root like hell for your team to beat mine, but why hold such a grudge against the Sox?

  2. Hell man, I still have a grudge against Carl Everett for being a punk and trashing Musina’s perfect game as a DH and that was what? 3 years ago? Nature of the beast. Why does at least 1/2 of the entire Baseball nation hate the Yankees? For winning? Makes no sense either, but it’s out there.

    I look to my first Yankees vs Mariners game at Safeco. 1/3 of the fans were in Red Sox red and they taunted and mocked every NY they saw (which was another 1/3 of the crowd). They also lined up at the bullpen to taunt the Yankees pitchers… explain that to me and I’d consider lowering the angst against Boston. I mean the Sox weren’t even PLAYING that night, so WTF? If I went to see a Sox/M’s game, I’d wear an M’s star, but not an NY – there’s no point. Yet, 1/3 of Safeco was obnoxious AND red. *shrug*

  3. Oh, and yep, I was out at a bar last night, in a pinstripe jersey with a 7 on the back. Someone came up to me after the game and say “Hey, sorry about the game” I said, ‘ah, well… next year.’ She said, “Yeah, well it’s not because I LIKE the Yankees… I like Boston.” I responded with, ‘Ahhhh… hey, I’m sorry about your last game too – maybe our boys should go play golf together in Florida now?’

    I wouldn’t dare have a conversation like that with someone wearing a Red 5 on their back.

    Just as an example.

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