PSP 2.5

Looks like another new version of PSP firmware is available – not 2.01, but 2.5 this time. 2.01 was released to close another homebrew exploit hole; 2.5 has that plus a bunch of features… and of course the typical “don’t upgrade because you’ll lose homebrew support!” Yeah, well, I have had a homebrew-capable ROM for months now and never bothered to run anything but UMD games – I can get MAME on my home PC :)

However, as my PSP has been running fine I thought I’d hold off on 2.5; I scanned the list last night and said “whatever”. Then the ‘goat mentioned LocationFree. I read that as “location/region free playback of UMD discs” – Steve points out that it will stream TV feeds to your PSP. This is a feature I’ve been demanding since I fit got my mits on the PSP – now I just need $350 to get the base station that would let this work… boo.

[Apple take note: handful of features make this 2.5 – a whole shitload of features would require it to be 3.0!]

One thought on “PSP 2.5”

  1. I share you thoughts mate! Why can’t the PSP just stream using the WIFI link and media player, just anouthert way of getting our money!! clever buggas

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