TriXie: I know not all of you are offenders, but working at Microsoft I see a host of summer sins that I’d like to go away. Denim shorts. Just don’t do it. Girls can do it–in fact I frequently bust out the Daisy Dukes–but men can NOT. It’s unsightly and dorky and we girls beg you to just throw them away. I have even seen an occasional hottie wear those and so clearly even the best of you need to be educated.
Do you honestly think that the level of my sexiness can be changed based off the type of shorts I wear? That’s like arguing that 0 Kelvin would feel much colder than 50 Kelvin, if you were in the freezer or something: my sexiness level ain’t ramping up because of shorts selection. In fact, it probably ratchets up a good notch or three just because I’m wearing pants at all… Give up my Levi’s?
I will not comply!
Whatever dude. Ask ANY chick with any taste at all. The denim shorts have got to go!
They’re going no where! Although, you HAVE to admit that they’re better than speedos, no? Socks with sandals? Stripes with plaid? Tellin’ ya – they aren’t as bad as ya think they are. Especially having lived through the JAMS days of the 80’s. Feh!
*I* personally think we should spend some time talking about yer skirt… *smirk* I mean, sure it was short but I think it was fine. However, if you moved an inch, that woulda gotten tagged with an R rating. Shoulda went with jean shorts *g*
*I* can wear my daisy dukes whenever I want. I’m a girl. But I’d pull a Basic Instinct and take an NC-17 before I’d wear jams ;)
And we would thank you for it.
Err, I mean, yeah, the rules are different for girls. There’s no way my shorts are Daisy Dukes – those look like a rectangle if ya hold’m up. And even so – not everyone should be allowed to wear those either. Like Lycra, it’s a privledge, not a right. But that doesn’t make my 505’s wrong!
So thpbpbpb. :)
someone please tell me…what the hell is wrong with denim shorts? they look totally fine to me…they look like regular shorts. if ur talking about denim PANTS having the legs cut off really short, like rico suave` style around the upper thighs, then yes, that’s unflattering and dorky. but denim shorts that are NOT cut off pants, and go past the knees like a pair of camo shorts or kaki shorts? i just dont see how they are ugly or not fashionable. i just dont see it. they look totally normal to me. i have a pair of denim shorts, and they look just like my camo, kaki, and basketball shorts. i dont get it u guys. i also dont judge people who wear denim shorts. wtf do i care what kind of shorts someone wears? someone enlighten me