And the Hits Keep Coming

The releases just keep on coming this week, with this round coming from the web (and for free). MSN Messenger 7.0 has been released – so has MSN Spaces – both of which have been pretty stable through out their beta cycles. What’s new with MSN-IM?

Bunch of stuff, actually, but there’s one thing that I find to be a great addition: the “personal message” field. Whatever text you put in there appears next to your contact name, in italics. Gone are the days of having to update your name every time you want to convey a message! Also, there’s an added bonus that you can have it show what you’re currently listening too, much like the “Now Playing” plug in that people use on Blogs. It natively works with Windows Media Player and iTunes; WinAMP requires a plug in: Toaster gets the job done – it’s what I use, since I’m still using WinAMP for Album Shuffling.

Of course, people will now have to deal with IM-Music Shame just like they have to deal with iPod Shame.

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