Bill of Unlawful Acts

I was watching The O’Reilly Factor the other day and heard that the Supreme Court is currently hearing a case that’s all about the ten commandments being displayed in a government owned building… the ACLU is all over it of course. And since there our law dictates a separation of church and state, the might have a case. However, what’s sort of being lost in the noise is the fact that the ten commandments represents a fundamental code of conduct that is already embedded in our society. Or at least should be in our laws, instead of our ongoing trend of “do whatever you want and get out of punishment with lawyers” that our nation has adopted… so instead of the ten commandment, why not have a Bill of Unlawful Acts?

Ideally, it should compliment the Bill of Rights, which the ACLU is supposed to cherish. A basic list of “absolutes” that would make for a better society; if broken, actually stick the punishment to the criminal. And yes, I know America would rather 100 guilty criminals go free just so one innocent many doesn’t mistakenly go to prison… I’ve got no issue with that, but I’m sick to deal of the people that are found guilty and get out of their punishment through loopholes and parole hearings and the like.

    The Bill of Unlawful Acts

  1. You shall pledge allegiance to no other nation above America
  2. You are responsible to actively participate in local, state, and federal elections every November
  3. Sunday should be considered a day where work is not required
  4. Respect and honor you parent(s) or guardian during your lifetime
  5. Do not kill other humans
  6. Do not cheat on your spouse
  7. Do not steal
  8. Do not wilfully participate in dishonest acts
  9. Do not make advances on people that are already married
  10. Do not be preoccupied with what other people have and be happy with what you’ve already got
    My commentary on the above:

  1. If align with another nation, you are no longer an American
  2. If you don’t vote, you’ve abdicated your right to influence government
  3. At least one day, if not Sunday – the work week should be five days long
  4. Duh!
  5. Again, duh!
  6. Following this in life should help with #5 – divorce the spouse first and there’s less of an issue. Besides, yes you can cheat on your spouse but should you is a question not enough people ask
  7. Duh, thrice over
  8. Look, lying is a part of life – ever said “Yeah, I’m fine” when someone asks you how you are, just because it’s easier? More polite? This is a bit more pointed to live an honest life: also helps with 4-7
  9. Quad-Duh
  10. Currently a huge problem with the under 35 crowd: everyone is worried about what we should be and not who we are… put down the magazine, stop trying to act like the people on the OC and for feck’s sake, remember that fantasy is not a model for reality

Most of this appear to be common sense to me… yet people commit crimes every day. Some times with intent, other times just while living life. Either way, it’s becoming obvious that people don’t take consequences into consideration: do whatever you want and let the legal system get you off or at least out of prison early. Just another avenue to escape responsibility… the thing that pisses me off is that people are all up in arms about the Commandments, yet, why? Why not take them at face value and um, well, most of those items could make for a better society, whether your buy into the religion or not. Maybe in this form, people can take them a bit more seriously.

Had to get that off my chest, thanks.

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