Alerts. And to MSN Instant Messenger no less – in fact, thanks to MSN, you can even send them to your mobile phone. MoDaCo has had this for a bit – it’s supplied by MessageCast and is free to Blogs – I’ve found it handy… when something new comes in, I get a popup alert on IM. When I heard it was free, I said “neat,” and added it here. So look for this image at the bottom of each page or this one
in the menu. Click either and it will help you set up the alert; and of course, a Passport is required!
Tell me this isn’t a need thing to see, courtosy of a recent site update?
Hah, and it works. Got a pop up within 10 minutes with a lil icon and everything… it DOES open the blog entry in a frame window, but I can live with that – I imagine you could too :)
Curious: do you know if MessageCast works with a SPOT Watch?
Interesting notion… I’m not sure. If I understand the system correctly, they are simply watching RSS feeds, collecting the info, and pushing it to MSN’s Alerting system. As part of the MSN system, that’s what gives you the option of sending it to an inbox and/or a phone if you want it to go there. If SPOT devices tap into that, then yes. (I never got one b/c I found them to be a bit big for the wrist (and there wasn’t much coverage in CT, but that’s a dead issue now!))
Hm. I still don’t know of one RSS site I’d want alerts for.
All of them? :)