Sorta. This morning, I heard on the Stern show that Jack Daniels has been lowered in proof from 86 to 80 and without any fanfare about the change. The cast speculated as to why they might do this – remeber the Coke II debacle? don’t mess with a winning drink – and the thought was “for political correctness” (we make you less drunk). Would be a noble, if asinine, reason, but I think it’s because JD wants to expand its market. I recently learned in Canada that some bars have a ceiling for the proof of alcohol they can serve. That ceiling, in Vancouver anyway, is 80 proof which would have barred JD. Since the 6 proof drop won’t be noticed by most mouths, why not do it? I think it’s a wise move on their part.
Of course it doesn’t change the fact that ordering a Coors Light at that same bar meant that you were ordering an import… that’s still just odd to me.
Because you brought up Coors Light, I remember the first time I was in CA and ordered a Coors. The taste was so much better then back in CT. I think when it makes the trip to the East coast it losses it’s freshness. Now that youre in WA and a lot closer to the Coors brewery have you noticed a difference in the taste of a Coors beer?
Actually I have to admit that I went with a domestic (Molson Canadian) before switching to the microbrew selection – it was someone else that ordered a Coors. I also can admit that I haven’t had very much of Coors in a very long while, but I think that there *would* be a difference being closer to CO – it’s the same reason why Bud is running around the country with “day old beer”… I might have to check it out!
That extra 3% did make a difference. Wild Turkey here I come, lol.