Have you called a Customer Service Center recently? There’s been a growing trend that I’ve noticed before, but it took a truly annoying CSR to make me get pissed off about it…
I’ve been a customer of a particular credit card company for over ten years now. I got my first card – with a $600 limit, ah the days of college! – the day I turned 18. Over the years, as my net worth has grown, the card and its services have increased as well. Now I get one mile per every dollar spent, so I use this card for everything I can. In fact, so much so that I had to call to get a new one, because I had worn off the signature patch and even some of the hologram.
And so I called the main CS number. I walked through the automated menu, giving them my card number, and requested a mammal to help me. Thankfully, once I got to a human, he didn’t ask me for the account number again. That’s one thing that truly pisses me off: when you must enter your card number to get through to the next level of support and the first thing the CSR asks for is your card number. Why in the hell was I forced to tap in my number if you weren’t listening?! That’s just counter productive and another Rant waiting to happen.
But that didn’t happen here – I tapped in my number and the CSR had the account up already when he started talking to me. He asked what he could do for me. I requested a new card; my account wasn’t lost or compromised, but I needed some new plastic. He said it would be no problem. And that’s when it turned ugly.
First he wants to know what I use my card for. On an off day I would have said “scraping bird crap off my car” but it was a good day, so I told him I use it for everything. He wants to know if I shop at Home Depot or Target. Who doesn’t? Everyone I know hit one or the other, if not both. Oh, well, let me tell you about the program we’re running, he says. Um, no thanks, I say. He persisted four times, until I made it sound like I was hanging up with or without him wishing me to have a nice day.
Why is this so fuckin’ annoying to me? Many reasons. Not least of which is my past experience with this company’s “special programs”. Last time I got suckered into a free deal it took me six months, three days of phone calls, and $59 to get out of it. That’s just annoying. And then there’s the principle of it all. I’m a paying customer of this company and when I call for service, I expect that: service. Not a service call with a sales pitch. Not an Amway-sounding attempt to better my home and fill my cupboards. And I’m a paying customer: I pay $59/year to be a part of this mileage program. Give me my fuckin’ card – now!
They really should have an opt in for something like this – it’s so annoying.
Who let the crack pot in here? Next Nazi Germany. Riiiight.
Ya done good skipper, but lets you’ve missed two key points, ya silly assmunch: Bush leaves in 2 years (and 4 months and a handful of days). He can’t stay in office, unlike the Fuehrer.
Last I looked, America isn’t locking up people in camps for color, creed OR religion and then killing them. The last time we had “camps” was in the 1940’s you ignorant fuck. Oh, lemme guess – that’s Bush’s fault too, right?
God I HATE it when people aren’t properly equiped for an argument.
You have to enter in your account number so that you are routed to a call-center that handles calls in you area. Um, that’s why.