Jetta go vroom. Make Randy happy. Happy Randy is going to have to put block under gas pedal so Randy doesn’t get ticket in WA. [Randy is also parked about five buildings away from where he works, due to arriving in parking lot at 11am, so if someone on campus sees him wandering around looking bewildered, it’s because he forgot where he parked.]
Pontiac go vroom, then click, then bang. Bad Pontiac, bad.
I know the feeling! Its almost like turning on your Mac in the morning…
@Tran – Bad GM, bad (I don’t discriminate when it comes to GM cars ;))
@Eric – Close… altho shifting thru 6-gears on an empty 520 is rather unique. Then again, so was my experience with the PB (and iBook).
GM=Bad People
Randy just needs to get to work before 9am and he won’t have annnny trouble getting a parking space. Or better yet he can use his bus pass and not have to worry about parking at all.. :)
Hey! Don’t make me come down stairs and cause another scene! Besides, you know darn well that you can’t get into a spot between 10 and 4, unless you’re a visitor :P
I dare ;) Oh wait, you already left for the