This Does Explain a Lot…

MSN: Ready for the gossip equivalent of gulping down the red pill? The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Larry Wachowski, co-creator (with his brother Andy) of the “Matrix” trilogy, is preparing to undergo a sex change operation.

Explains why the brothers weren’t altogether focused on their plot line when making the last two Matrix movies… although as distracting as it might be to get rid of your own penis, why on earth did we all have to be subjected to the downward spiral that was Revolutions?

3 thoughts on “This Does Explain a Lot…”

  1. There have been rumors about that. Also I heard he was married and then got into S & M. Also as to how good/bad the last Matrix was look at Blockbuster. What I mean is Mona Lisa smile and other movies have 8 shelves. While Revolutions gets 3. Guess no one is renting it. While I hope he enjoys the chop. Maybe his oops her next movie will improve.

  2. Hir movies, maybe? I dunno. Look at ET. That rented like ass b/c it hit the VHS shelves at $15 and people wanted to own it, seeing as it was unavailable for 20 years. But people flocked to Revolutions and left with the same feeling that most people had after Episode I: Huh? or What was *that*? At least it was better than 10.5.

  3. The Matrix was a fabulous film. It should never have been a fucking SERIES.

    I liked the first one because it broke through all the dumb, stupid Hollywood movie templates. Adding two sequels to it merely brought it right back into the norm.

    As for sex change…whatever…I think that’s fantastically dumb. I live in San Fran and know several full transsexuals – and none of them seem happy with what they did. I am a woman and often don’t feel like my body’s gender matches my soul’s either, but getting an operation would diminish the uh…sensitivity of certain regions and seems very much like a mistake to me. Just fantasize, create an alter avatar as the opposite gender, it probably works better, not to mention is a HELL of a lot less expensive.

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