Almost went off the road when I heard this one driving to work this morning, but it’s real: McDonald’s now has Adult Happy Meals. If the standard kids meal is with a cheeseburger and the “mighty” kids meal comes with a double cheeseburger, what the hell would be in the adult version? A triple cheeseburger? Two BigMacs with a Tums for a toy? Strangely enough, the McMarketing department is alive and thinking: the “Go Active! Happy Meal” includes a salad, a bottle of water, a “Stepometer to track your steps”, and some fitness guide… I always find it amusing to see someone jump on a bandwagon when it can, and, well, McD’s just jumped in, head first.
Would you like fries with that? :)
Well that would be the kicker, wouldn’t it? Ya get a regular Coke with it, instead of Diet Coke and it’s right at about a billion calories again.
Happy Meals are all about the toys. I’d buy Adult Happy Meals if there was an adult toy in it.
Wait. That doesn’t seem so good.
“Will that adult toy be for a man or a woman?”
Write your own joke. I’m stretching toward it … but it’s not my site. I don’t want to offend anyone.
Or be banned.
I’d have to ban myself for offensive remarks – no worries there – and I’ve yet to remove a comment that wasn’t spam.
But there’s a Stepometer as a toy! w00t!
Two big macs and a Tums for a toy lmao