So Season 1 is done. Bill won, and hands down in my book. That Kwame didn’t shred the slackers on his team… well, slacking is so so but lying is far worse, and I agree with Donald on that: it’s one thing to be relaxed but I think Kwame was a step beyond that into negligent. Completely different management styles from two competent people: I just like Bill’s better.
My takeaway from it all? Thank God I didn’t get picked for Season 2… I would have would up with the new 18th hole in the water. Guaranteed.
Awww, c’mon. I was hoping you’d get picked. It would have made things very interesting.
Personally, I was disappointed that Bill got picked. I liked Kwame better. After thinking a bit though, I decided that my decision was made from the perspective of a slaving-in-the-trenches-troll.
Kwame would be a much better person to work for. I much prefer the hands-off types who just leave me alone and let me do the job they are paying me to do – they did, after all, hire me for my expertise so why not just let me use it.
I’ve worked for micro-managing hyper-spazoids like Bill in the past. It is pure hell. From Trumps perspective, a person like this might be the better choice to whip people into getting the job done.
Will Bill be successful at getting the building up? I don’t know. His management style might have been better suited for the golf-course. Construction projects have things going wrong all the time and he gets way too rattled way too fast. This project will eat him alive. His way of dealing with subordinates will be his undoing to: a stuffed-shirt belitting construction bosses does nothing to get things done faster.
It will be interesting to see if they do follow-ups on him.
As for Omorosa… they should get her a job that suits her better – crash test dummy (without helmet), perhaps? I’m sure she’d figure out a way to screw that up, too, and then lie about it.
Well I also think Bill was very up-peoples-asses because of who they were. They all got fired in this contest and all were working for free.
I think Bill got a more laid back event and a team that was mostly self sufficient. I also think that Kwame got a very “slacker” team and wired event (singers can be very non-compliant) that needed constant watch. Bill’s over doing his management didn’t hurt his team; Kwame’s hands off approach fucked him repeatedly. I think that was the deciding factor.
What will make or break Bill is whether or not he can tone down his high energy to let his team do it’s work… that will come out over time.
Ah, Omorosa… what a waste of oxygen she’s turned into. I loved how Trump shut her down during the Q&A and sorta pushed her away from Bill just before the first live commercial… I thought Heidi was going to suggest a “bitch slap” and not a 2 hour dinner :D