SharpMT and Pocket SharpMT 2.3 – Beta 2

Looking for a fast turn around on this beta run, both because there’s really only one new feature and because I changed a couple of things in a hope to get Pocket SharpMT certified for free (but it’s a limited time offer). This latest version offers nothing remarkable: just a couple of bug fixes and a few changes on the Pocket side.

SharpMT – Desktop version: Just a couple of bug fixes – nothing major to report.

Pocket SharpMT – The File menu is now the View menu because it seems that Microsoft doesn’t like “File” being on menu of Windows Mobile applications

. Not sure why that is, but View is allowed and since this menu is use to open, create, and save files, why not, right? Also gone is the status-changing nature of the title bar. That will always be Pocket SharpMT: the “I’m a dirty draft” * is now gone, as is the file name. Not my rules – they made me do it! – and if the application does not get certified, you can bet yer bippy that this will suddenly reappear because I personally liked it. They tell you that you’re supposed to show status on the client side of the screen, but I’d like to know where I can do that: my screens are already too full in my opinion. Otherwise, there were a couple of tweaks here and there, but otherwise, that’s about it.

I’m hoping to turn these betas around quickly, so I’ll be doing some testing on them both on my own – unless there’s a huge problem that I haven’t uncovered yet, these should both be released by Friday or Monday.

Download SharpMT 2.3 Beta 2: EXE | MSI

Read: SharpMT FAQ

Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3

Download Pocket SharpMT 2.3 Beta 2: ZIP | ARM

Read: Pocket SharpMT FAQ

Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3

4 thoughts on “SharpMT and Pocket SharpMT 2.3 – Beta 2”

  1. Er, I actually just downloaded and installed SharpMT 2.3 b2, but when I run it, it still reports as v2.2, and prompts for an upgrade, as though nothing happened. Probably not a big deal though.

  2. Actually that could be a huge deal… did ya get sharpmt23.exe or .msi? Could be a problem where the MSI install isn’t overwriting files like it should be!

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