Or maybe A-Rod to Jeter to Giambi? Does sound pretty good doesn’t it? The only thing I wonder about is how much better it will sound in during away games at Fenway.
Or maybe A-Rod to Jeter to Giambi? Does sound pretty good doesn’t it? The only thing I wonder about is how much better it will sound in during away games at Fenway.
heh heh heh…I think we got our money’s worth from Aaron Boone. C’ya!!!
Poor bastard had to go play basketball. An A-Rod, Jeter, Boone, Giambi infield would have been nearly divine!
I luv jeter and if anyone has a problem with that then they can taek it up with me ok ok.
I went on a new york trip and i got to go to yankee stadium and I got ot see Jeter and A-Rod up close. If anyone has a problem with me then they can find out how to reach me and then they can take it up with me ok ok.