I’m talking Oscar type WOW. Better effects than the last two movies – who would have thought that possible? – and it since The Two Towers ended early (when compared to the book) it’s got more to it than the book version of TRofK. Long? Well yeah, but they left out some stuff too.
One of the only movies where I knew what was going to happen and how it was going to end and yet I feel like I experienced something new just by sitting there. Of the stuff they left out I think they will put it in the DVD; of the stuff they put in, I wouldn’t really change any of it as it makes for a better movie.
It’s a winner.
Yeah! Holy Cow Poop!! The beast yet!
Oh and another thing… I’m actually waiting for the backlash from this movie to hit the press. You see, some of the characters on Sauron’s side (the bad guy) are going to cause a whole protest to rise up. The soldiers that are riding the elephant-like creatures are dark skinned and were wearing turbans… obviously some people will come around, saying that this movie makes an anti-middle eastern statement or something… I’m just waiting for it. It’s bound to happen – a group was upset about The Two Towers being named that, because they thought it was a ploy to tie into 9/11.
Guess what folks? Peter Jackson is following Tolkien’s books: that means the men of the East will have turbans and dark skin. That also means that part two will be The Two Towers. And before you start saying that Tolkien was effected by 9/11, I can stop you now: he died in 1973 – the books were done by 1955.