SharpMT – 1.3 Release

Announcing the official release of SharpMT 1.3! The 1.3 version adds handful of new features to SharpMT, and again, they’re from user feedback: support for post dated posts, support for the WMP9 blogging plug-in, an enhanced Add URL’s link box, and a few UI changes. The important links to know about:

Product info:



In the way of bug fixes, there were only a couple and they are noted in the FAQ; the main reason for this release is related to new features. The most requested thing was support for the “Authored on” field that MT makes available when posting a new entry. This is found on the Advanced section and is set on a draft-by-draft

basis. By default, it allows MT to set the time at the time of posting.

The Options dialog got a bit of a face lift for this release and now groups similar setting together on multiple tabs. It also now includes the “customize tags” options that used to be kept in a separate dialog box. Lastly, it adds a new option for controlling the format of how musical information appears in Drafts (which applies to the feature described below.)

SharpMT now allows you to insert the currently playing MP3 track, based off the Windows Media Player 9 Blogging plug-in format, which is support by WMP9, Winamp 2 and Winamp 3. Assuming you have the plug-in installed, and there is a track playing, you may add the track information with the “Now Playing” Format command (Ctrl+M). The information will be inserted based off the format that’s set on the Options dialog. The available fields are

[ARTIST], [SONG], [ALBUM] and [DURATION]; any HTML tags that are included in this format will be inserted “as is” so it is pretty easy to make sure the song name is always in Italics or whatever.

There is also now a new icon that is used to show whether a draft has been posted to your MT server or not. This icon is strictly for SharpMT’s benefit and does not reflect the status of the post on the server. It is also reversed if a “posted” draft is edited locally and re-saved. To set this icon by hand, right mouse click on a draft and select “Set Draft Status” and it will toggle the icon.

Lastly, there have been a couple of enhancements to the Add URL dialog. There is now a new tab called “Favorites” that imports the links that are stored for IE on your PC. Because there can be multiple levels of folders of links, the links window acts like Explorer: double click to open a folder or add a link to the draft. To move back up a directory level, double click the .. folder at the top of the list. There is also now a field for the anchor’s “Title” attribute for the links that you’re inserting, regardless of which tab you use to add the link.

Download SharpMT 1.3 and check the FAQ for more information.

10 thoughts on “SharpMT – 1.3 Release”

  1. Doesn’t seem to want to work with my server. My domain, cgi path, and login info is all correct, but when I hit refresh it tells me “The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. Please verify that your CGI-BIN path is correct.”

    Pocket version gives an error also: “Could not find resource assembly. Please verify that your CGI-BIN path is correct!”

    Running MT 2.64 on OpenBSD with Apache 1.3.28 and Perl 5.6.0.

  2. Hm. You’re now the second person to have an issue with Apache but it’s failing at a different point. The first user’s fails at the “send” – your server failed on the “receive”. Either way, I’m using the standard .NET Framework commands and the failure is coming from the “layers” of the framework. I’m told “The connection has been unexpectedly closed” when the exception is thrown and that’s about it, so there’s nothing much I can do.

    What I did learn from the first user was that Zempt failed too; w.Blogger worked for him tho, so I’m a bit at a loss.

    As to the missing assembly, do you have .NET 1.1 installed? Or 1.0. Just checking that because I didn’t see the missing assembly message but the connection did still fail – it won’t fix the overall problem but it should clear up the assembly error.

  3. I figured out the problem… It was on my end. Apache’s subprocess for handling the SOAP connection was segfaulting (this shows up in the error_log). Not just for SharpMT, but for any SOAP connections at all. After a bit of research, I found out that it’s because of mod_perl… Something to do with loading different versions of expat at the same time. I recompiled Apache with –disable-rule=EXPAT and everything’s working now.

  4. Thanks for the updates. You need to let Ben & Mina know about this app as its not listed on the same page as the other offline tools.

  5. Um, who? :) I’ll send info over to anyone, but the landscape has changed since I started in shareware… like Tucows rejected the app straightaway because there’s “no link to the .NET framework”. That pisses me off because the damned thing is included with Windows Update as the FAQ reports. Then I found out that Hotfiles/ZDNet wants $79 to submit a listing. Sick world out there!

  6. hi

    i have a problem

    i am using windows media player for my songs

    it is taking songs from database but after one song its not going to play second song

    when i click on refresh then it play next song

    i am working in asp

    how can i refresh my page after duration of my song

    i am sending my code

    0 then

    ‘do while not rsp.eof





  7. I’ll bite: what would this have to do with SharpMT? Also you might want to look into getting 2.2, as this is a much earlier version…

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