Pocket SharpMT – 1.3 Release

Announcing the official release of Pocket SharpMT 1.3! The 1.3 version is the initial release of Pocket SharpMT – despite of the 1.3 version number which keep in sync with SharpMT – so the FAQ is the best source of information about the features and version history. Pocket SharpMT was designed for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 devices – it requires the .NET Compact Framework to be installed (version 1.0 SP1) before it will install properly.

The important links to know about:

Product info: https://www.randyrants.com/pocketsharpmt/

FAQ: https://www.randyrants.com/pocketsharpmt/faq.htm

PC Download: https://www.randyrants.com/pocketsharpmt.zip

Device Download:

https://www.randyrants.com/pocket sharpmt_ppc.arm.cab

The FAQ has the most up to date information about this release of Pocket SharpMT. You can find the FAQ here.

13 thoughts on “Pocket SharpMT – 1.3 Release”

  1. A new mobile blogger for the PocketPC

    I just got wind of a new mobile blogger called Pocket SharpMT v1.3. Prior to this I was using, or should I say, I had installed Pocket Blogger and was quite unimpressed. While PocketBlog was more generic in that it…

  2. A new mobile blogger for the PocketPC

    I just got wind from PocketPCThoughts.com of a new mobile blogger called Pocket SharpMT v1.3. Prior to this I was using, or should I say, I had installed Pocket Blogger and was quite unimpressed. While PocketBlog was more generic in…

  3. Hi, I like pocket sharpMT but! I dont use MT, instead I use blojsom as it java based and intergrates better into the things I do. So I was wondering if you were going to do a version which would support the blogger, metafilter or even atom api’s?

    Pocketblog does work on pocketpc2003 because it doesnt use the compact .net 2003 framework, but also its not as complete as sharpMT.

  4. @Ian – Actually Pocket #MT (and #MT) both use the blogger API (XML-RPC) to talk to MT already, but they are geared for MT specifically and I’m planning on keeping it that way for a long while to come. One of the downfalls of supporting multiple blogging engines is that you can’t easily support the “special” fields that aren’t available on all engines and that’s why I started #MT in the first place: I wanted to have access to the extra MT specific fields while offline.

    Also, Pocket #MT should work on the PPC2003 edition because Microsoft included the .NET CF with Windows Mobile 2003. Thanks for the interest!

  5. I love Pocket#MT; I’ve just three minor suggestions:

    1) I use a Targus Stowaway keyboard with my iPaq when I use Pocket#MT — can’t see trying to write a full blog entry using the on-screen keyboard. Most apps with display the SIP when an edit control gains the focus — I just close it and keep typing. However, Pocket#MT redisplay the SIP on every keystroke. This is very annoying, and completely pointless — If they are using it, it’s already there, and if they aren’t, they don’t want it.

    2) I’m planning on writing an ActiveSync module that will read the XML file and upload published posts to the website (I’m guessing that you have a wireless connection — I don’t so right now, I have to work the menu items to publish will it’s sitting in the cradle.) On the whole, this whole process would be a bit easier if the “publish” flag, which you presently bury in the “Advanced” tab, were on the main tab.

    3) Finally, since there’s often a gap between writing and publishing a post that I wrote using Pocket#MT, I want the message dated when I wrote it. So, I always want the “Use Server Time” flag off. But, it seems to alway revert to checked, on a new post. The user’s choice probably should be sticky, or that should be added to the Draft Defaults.

    (Note, this was based on 1.3Beta 7. Forgive me if you’ve already changed any of that…

    I always want to use the PocketPC’s time.

  6. @James – couple of things: On the Options dialog there is an option to turn off Auto-SIP’ing. If you deselect the auto-on option, the SIP gets left alone. Also, there’s “Default” setting for the Draft/Publish setting and that’s an MT field – that field will tell MT whether or not it’s a “published” posting or just a “draft”. It has no knownledge of whether or not it’s been sent to the server… since it’s set on a draft-by-draft basis the default is applied.

    As to the date field, that too is on a draft by draft basis. I thought about adding it as an default to the Options dialog, but I figure that 95% of the people are using Server Time. If they aren’t – and they’re setting a date/time – they usually will have to set a date anyway, so de-selecting the server time check box wouldn’t be but one tap.

    With regards to the Draft/Publish flag, there’s some additional server configuration on MT that might have to be done – there’s more on that in the FAQ.

  7. Auto-SIP: By Gosh! You’re right — Sorry about that. (When I first saw that I didn’t recognize “SIP” as “Soft Input Panel”; I figured it was something TCP/IP/XML-RPC releated, and ignored it. It wasn’t until I wrote the comment that I looked up what the correct name was)

  8. No worries! I originally didn’t pop the SIP at all (given that I expected most people to use a keyboard with it) and when I got requests to auto-show it, I wanted to make sure it didn’t annoy anyone that wasn’t used to it :)

  9. Whew, been gone awhile – glad the final version is out!


    1) I still think an ActiveSync plugin would be great, as does James :)

    2) What I meant in one of the beta comments about making Pocket#MT a true ‘companion’ to #MT would be the ability of #MT to directly import (if the user tells it to, or sets some default options for it) the XML file from Pocket#MT into it’s own, ordering the posts chronologically, and remembering the ‘posted or not?’ settings. (Alternatively, posted entries could be skipped/deleted since a simple ‘update links’ from #MT will take care of that…) And then clear the XML file from Pocket#MT (if the user desires that, of course). Space is always a consideration on PDA’s, so no sense keeping around the old entries if they’ve been exported to #MT. The entries can then be edited and posted from #MT, in addition to Pocket#MT.

    I’m sure something like that could be accomplished, since it would all be localized, not dealing with the blog server at all.

    3) I’m still in favor of putting the (x) button back in, and letting the user choose if he wants to smart minimize or close the app.

    4) Along with James, I’m in favor of having the ‘post to server’ somewhere easy to get to, in addition to being in a menu. Perhaps an icon? Or in place of the Exit button? :p

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