I understand why people like to use the drive-thru of a fast food restaurant. Even though it promotes laziness, it is a convenience, especially on a rainy day. (Remember that east coast people melt when they get wet so we avoid the rain at all costs – I learned how to not melt from my trips to Seattle and I thank the ppl there for that.) I also understand that sometimes the drive-thru can be a necessity, too… especially at a Dunkin’ Donuts. After all, if you’ve been there enough and are now so fat that you can’t get your butt checks off the driver’s seat or if you’ve opted to sue the food chain for “making” you obese [crock of shit!] and can’t be seen getting a 12-pack of chocolate frosted before your court hearing. Of course none of this makes up for the fuckhead in a drive-thru line that causes a ten minute wait to get coffee.
I had to stop going to Starbucks everyday. Sorry kids, but I can get a full day’s worth of Dunkin’s coffee for the same price that I can get one Grande. Ordinarily the cost of bean won’t be a factor in my daily drink selection, but this has been no ordinary month! Consequently I’m dealing with Mermaid withdrawal and marinading myself in the “old standby”. Next week I want to move up to beer but that means I need a clear schedule first.
Today it is currently 85 degrees and sunny, ending a 14+ day run of clouds and/or rain. I’ve had the top down on my Jeep for 24 hours now and dammit, I’m spending as much time as I can in it! When I popped over to one of the fifteen local Dunkin’s, I saw that there were two cars in the drive-thru. At the speaker was Previa with Louisiana plates and a CT Maxima was behind them; I dropped into line behind the Maxima and station scanned a bit. Five minutes later, we hadn’t moved forward yet.
The Previa spent the majority of this time at the speaker and then pulled up. In fact, the asinine driver pulled past the window and then the building before backing up to wait at the window. The Maxima ordered one thing and I ordered one thing. Then we waited some more while the Previa’s mogambo order was filled. Had to be $20 worth of stuff. $20 at a Dunkin’ Donuts. That’s usually the price of a franchise license, given that they sell donuts and coffee! I was stuck in line for over ten minutes when all was said and done. The Maxima zipped through and I got my coffee; I even asked the worker at the window if the Previa had ordered $20 worth of food and got an exasperated *YES* so I was right: inconsiderate fucks!
After leaving the parking lot, I pulled up the exit ramp that leads to the main road, so I could head home. There’s a line for four cars there, all just waiting. Waiting for what? The Previa was stopped in the middle of the ramp, at least three car lengths away from the corner. Someone beeped at them and the Previa took off, up the ramp and into the flow of traffic, cutting off at least 3 cars on the main road.
Stupid people need a beating.
And here’s the funny part: when the Previa was at the window to pick up the food and coffee, a teenager got out of the car on the passenger side and walked around the car to stand at the window to get the stuff. What was the point of using the drive-thru if you still had to send someone out of the car to walk up to a counter?! Couldn’t you have just used the main counter like sensible mortals? Gah!
Stupid people really need a beating and like right now.