*w00t* My manuscript is complete! At least I think it is… I know I have no plans to give it another read again – now I need proofreaders to give it the once over and make sure nothing glaring got through – given all of the mistakes that I found during the last blast through it, I’m sure there’s still a whole lot of typos…
What does this mean to everyone else in the world? Not a whole hell of a lot I’m sure. What it means to me is that I can write more stuff for this site. I also plan to get cranking on a C# project that I’ve begun to gear up for – been reading the Petzold C# book (Programming Windows with C#) and the Richter .NET book (Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming) before moving back to the Box and Sells book (Essential .NET, Volume I: The Common Language Runtime).
You see, my own book – which started as a joke, then a hobby, then a past time, before becoming a Task – has been eating up a lot of my time. There’s still a bit to go with it, too – cover design, the back cover copy, about me, and a “Thanks to” section; I might even write up an extra chapter or two in PDF format for the web site, but we’ll see… right now I’m Done with writing for a little while. Anyway, what started as a “something to do in my down time” has become a full time thing – it’s just not like me to leave any project unfinished – and that monopolized a lot of my otherwise “free time.”
Also, since my full time job is just about on its ass and I’ve finally had enough of coping with my managers and lack of funding (6.25 years is quite enough of that – I used to have hair on my head when I started here) I’ve started a job search. Sadly, thought, I’m left with few options here in Connecticut. My options are to: a) change my career path from coder to something in administration or DBA [not my cup of tea, thank you], b) work in Manhattan for 40% less, once you calculate in the extra train fare and commuter tax that Bloomberg is fighting for [I could live with the pay cut, but the extra three hours of a work day spend in commuting would kill me], or c) relocate to somewhere that has software engineering jobs i.e. Seattle, Boston or Silicon Valley [which means shaking my personal life like a snow globe, which I’m thinking wouldn’t be such a bad thing these days]. There’s also the option of working as a professor full time [if I could find the a full time position], or consulting [which makes my feet itch]…
So at this point the only thing that I know is that I don’t know anything… almost sounds about normal. And to think this Rant started on a bright note! I need more coffee, I guess…
“And so it begins…” [Kosh, ‘Babylon 5″]
I’m a freelance editor, looking for new projects…
If you’re still in the market for one, shoot me an e-mail or check out my site: http://www.mightypenediting.com
Heya Charity – I’m done with this book actually, but if I write again (which is likely) I’ll keep ya in mind. I doubt I can con, I mean convince, my friends into proofing again… always a painful process!
Charity, you are unbelievable, I really enjoyed your work, my favorite is searching the internet all over the world. I am rather good at it, I love to bust CEO’S of major companies b—s, I help any one with insurance problems, count, state, us government problems,even Bill Gates and Walmart listen up when I submit a truthful complaint. I never get push one, push two, I get replys and action.I find the computer with the internet, much more powerfull than the pen.Grammy really enjoyed her phone chat with Beau. and her great grand son, she was amazed how well he carried on a conversation with her on the telephone. This shows you to be a good mom, and I believe Beau is making himself a father that I and my grandfather would be proud that he carries and give the Hogge name, the quality I was raised with. LOve Grampy Hogge,