The last few days I’ve been watching the Israeli crisis with the rest of the world. First question I have is why is it a crisis? Who’s surprised, really? People have been fighting there for at least three millennia. Have we evolved so much that there wouldn’t be fighting there? Duh. Be that as it may, fine: call it a crisis. Want to know what’s causing this crisis? It’s easy enough, from my point of view – screw those people that have degrees and long winded speeches on CNN. This is simple.
In my own mind, I always see both sides to a situation. It sucks. It means I can passionately argue either side of a situation… must be the Italian-Scorprio-Programmer mix.
The last few days I’ve been watching the Israeli crisis with the rest of the world. First question I have is why is it a crisis? Who’s surprised, really? People have been fighting there for at least three millennia. Have we evolved so much that there wouldn’t be fighting there? Duh. Be that as it may, fine: call it a crisis. Want to know what’s causing this crisis? It’s easy enough, from my point of view – screw those people that have degrees and long winded speeches on CNN. This is simple.
Fact: Israel invaded a new piece of land, where Palestinians live. Fact: The Palestine don’t want to be under Israeli rule. Fact: To get rid of the Israeli government, suicide bombs have been targeting civilians. Fact: Because of the suicide bombs, the Israeli government is defending it’s citizens (under the auspicious flag of terrorism) by invading the Palestinian lands again.
Does anyone else see the pattern here? Does anyone else feel like they’re watching a scene from recess on a schoolyard? I know President Bush does. His comments the last week or two have been something akin to “If you can’t fix it on your own issues, and you both cry for help, stop fighting and figure it out. And since you can’t do it on your own, we’re stepping in.” I can’t believe no one else has seen this. This is why there’s a 3:1 ratio of women to men in Sicily: vendettas are counter-productive. And if the gripes are all over religious ideas, show me the dogma that says “If you don’t like your neighbors, kill them and terrorize them until they either free you or you dominate them”. Show it to me. Because right now, all of these issues are actually about the secular passions of the governments there – call it what it is.
Frankly, to save lives, I believe someone needs to take Prime Minister of Israel and the Chairman of the PLO, lock them in a room with a couple of Nerf guns. Let them work it out that way. And to the rest of the world: Mind your own damned business. Stop helping to instigate and fuel this thing. Jeez.
To be even more practical, I say we learn from Solomon. We threaten to demolish the things that both sized want and give them to who ever cares the most to walk away from the conflict. There’s a certain logic to that…